The art of becoming

Being does not come from doing but doing comes from being. For example, fish by their very nature swim. God made us all differently, with different likes, interests and tastes. Our inclination to take on to different tasks comes as a direct result of our uniqueness. Some nerds like me find numbers very intriguing while others will rather stick a pin in their eye. When our actions counteract our individuality,
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What does it mean to truly live?

W. H. Davies Leisure WHAT is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare? — No time to stand beneath the boughs, And stare as long as sheep and cows: No time to see, when woods we pass, Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass: No time to see, in broad daylight, Streams full of stars, like skies at night: No time to turn at
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Four essential factors to achieving goals

Four essential factors to achieving goals To achieving goals, any goal, there are four essential factors that must be defined: Your perspective: By clearly resolving what you want you are more likely to achieve it. Your objectives: By quantifying what is really important to you, you begin to direct your efforts. Your resources: By defining your existing resources, you know what you have and what you need to close the
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Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

Having standards of operations and procedures (SOPs) is important for a self-employed individual who wants to have a business that runs without their physical presence. What is Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Standard Operating Procedures also known as SOPs are a set of detailed written instructions to achieve consistency in key areas of your business. A well written SOP is an essential part of scaling your business. SOPs should be created
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Power of a Vision

Have you ever tried to put together a puzzle without the picture the pieces represent? This could be a very frustrating process. You stumble your way through the process hoping to arrive at the right picture at the end. Even though it is possible to build a puzzle without the picture, the frustrations could be so great that most people give up before the picture is completed. Let’s take
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