QuickBooks Setup

Quick-Books Set-Up

What is Quick-Books Set Up?

Quick-Books set up is the process of getting Quick-Books ready for first use. It is recommended that this is done before you start using Quick-Books. However, if Quick-Books was started before proper set up, the set up process corrects any errors.

If you currently use another software package for record keeping, then the setup process includes making sure all your beginning balances are accurate.

The main areas that need set up in Quick-Books are:

  • The company profiles and preferences.
  • The chart of accounts: This includes setting up the account in such a way to track your key performance indicators.
  • Employees and payroll.
  • Customers and open invoices (if applicable).
  • Vendors and open bills (if applicable).
  • Connecting to bank accounts.
  • Customizing the invoice template.
  • Setting up recurring transactions.
  • Creating special report templates.
  • Creating the budget.


Not every business owner will need every one of these for set up. We can help you with all areas or you cab choose the areas that are most pertinent to you.

Some of these areas, like the company profile and banking information, are so easy you can do that yourself. However, some areas like the chart of account and transferring opening balances can be more complicated. These are areas I recommend you hire a professional for.

The set-up process also includes your QBO subscription.

Fill out the form on the contact page to start the consulting process