Are you capable of building a profitable business?

  Think first: When other people cannot achieve something they tell you it's impossible for you to achieve that thing. Have you ever wondered if you are capable of building a profitable small business? Do you find yourself in a spiral of getting a job, then venturing into entrepreneurship, then back to getting a job? If this sounds like you it might just be because you are not speaking the
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Advantages of LLC

As a Certified Public Accountant I often encounter the question should I become a s-corporation or LLC? What are the advantages of LLC? Even though I understand why people ask the LLC or S Corp question, I realize the information is based on incomplete knowledge. You can be a straight s-corporation or a LLC taxed as a s-corporation. Which one is most beneficial depends on your unique situation. S Corporation
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What is a Lifestyle Entrepreneur?

Anyone living in the 21st century has noticed the world is becoming smaller. Just take a look at your social media profile and you will see you have connections from all parts of the world. Today it is very easy to reach out to anyone in most parts of the world. As multinational cultures become more interconnected, there is now a need for skills that were never thought of ten
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Building a business: Consulting the first step in your long term strategy

So you want to build a business and do not know where to start. Consulting is a great place to start. A consultant is one with special area of expertise and for a fee offers these skills to other individuals or organizations. Unlike employees, consultants work on short term projects on a contract basis. Due to the short term duration of most project, consultants have to be consistent in their
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Having clear financial goals: Knowing your numbers

Having clear financial goals makes it easy to evaluate marketing and staffing opportunities, weak areas, and expenses. Knowing your numbers will give you the insight and power to make decisions. In most cases we make decisions based on less information and more gut feelings. Knowing your numbers sets a clear path and alerts us when we need to change a direction or strategy. We deal with limited resources every day:
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