Do you have enough gas in your tank?

Let us assume there was a shortage of gas and your car was capable of holding enough gas to cover 300 miles: Would you go on a trip if it was 350 mile trip? What about 300 miles? What about a 200 mile trip? My guess is most people will be very conservative and will be very unlikely to take the 350 mile trip knowing that they will use up all the gas they had
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My advice for 2016

Don't build to your own destruction There are two components of economic freedom: money and time. It is not unusual for entrepreneurs to trade one for the other. You could have all the money in the world but without the time to enjoy it, it is useless. The idea is to grow smartly. Growing too big too fast could suck out the joy of the entrepreneurial life. As an entrepreneur,
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Busy but unproductive!

As entrepreneurs we sometimes confuse busyness with productivity. Busy means having a lot to do while productive means getting a lot done. We never have a problem with being busy, no matter how unproductive we are. Most materials about productivity have to with having a list, setting goals, etc. While all those things are important, being productive boils down to your willingness to do the boring stuff. Busyness is easy
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Find more time in your business

T There is not enough time in the day to do all you will like to do, however, there is definitely enough time to do the important. As a small business owner, it is easy to get stuck in the rut and believe that you have to be the one who does everything. However, being the one who performs all the work limits the time you can actually spend building
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Learn to make good decisions

In business, there are those decisions you make on a routine basis and those you make infrequently. For example, in a restaurant business, the decision of knowing what to add to the menu, is one that is frequently made. Frequent decisions are the easiest to make because of the amount of data available to support those decisions. For example, a restaurant owner who has tried different menus knows what items
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