Has the Exceptional Become the Ordinary? Reviewing your Financial Statements

One thing I find amazing about life is that it is filled with opposite's action which combine to get a positive result. An example that relates to this article is: Exceptional results are an accumulation of ordinary actions. Take a second and think about that: We all want exceptional results in our life but we do not get there overnight. It is the little ordinary steps that we take every
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Ordinary or Exceptional? Your Sales Mix

I have a very good friend that recently passed away from cancer: She was very young. I remember going shopping with her after her condition had become really bad and she was beginning to suspect the end was near. I was shopping for a jacket and being the very price conscious customer that I am I chose a jacket I found to be okay but had the right price. My
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How do you solve problems in your business?

Albert Einstein once said, "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." For instance: You have problems with your fellow employees and you think that changing jobs is the best way to solve the problem but then you find yourself with the same problem in a different place. Changing location does not solve a problem if the mindset that created the problem has not
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Do you have a Business Purpose?

Why? Who? What? When? Where? These 5 questions are the starting points of any successful businesses. This blog talks about the why we choose to engage in any type of business or project? Why has to do with purpose: No business should start without a purpose. The why is what keeps any business owner going when things get tough. Making money is never a good enough reason to go into business.
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Is Time Linear or Exponential?

How do you treat your time? By that, I mean is your time linear or exponential? Do you live your life by a strict schedule that tells you what to do from the time you wake up till the time you go to sleep? If you do, then you treat your time as linear. There is one down side to treating your time as linear which is you never have
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