Developing a business culture

Southwest Airlines, Wal-Mart and Tyson Foods have been the top three performers in the last two decades—in terms of financial returns. These firms exists in highly competitive industries but somehow found a way to be profitable. The sustained success of these firms had little to do with business advantages in the market place. Rather, business values and personal beliefs and vision of the leaders took these businesses to heights
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Turn knowledge into action

If your business exists in the online realm like mine, you know there is never a shortage of people telling you your "next best course of action". You take classes, read books, read blogs but at the end of the day you are left with a daunting problem: How do I put this all together? How is it possible to implement all these best practices taught by these gurus I
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Difference between the cash flow statement and cash flow projection

A cash flow statement is an actual representation of transactions that has already taken place. A cash flow projection is a look into the future to predict what future cash flow will be. Difference between the cash flow statement and cash flow projection Since we know what transactions have taken place, a cash flow statement is typically less detailed than a cash flow projection. On the other hand a cash
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Financial Leverage

Financial Leverage means using borrowed money to increase your return on investment. Financial leverage explains how taking debt risks can actually be beneficial: Borrowing money to make money could be a good thing. For instance if you can borrow money at 3% but invest it at 12%, you are 9% better off than you were. The problem comes in when people borrow money that gives a diminishing return. To understand financial leverage, we
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Creating a sustainable business

For a business to stay sustainable it has to be profitable. The key to profitability is knowing what your customers want and giving it to them. You can only sell hype for so long before your customers catch on to you. A business which intends to last has to build a lot of value for its customers over long periods of time. The internet has changed the game of business:
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