
Why most New Year’s Resolution don’t work

92% of New Year’s Resolutions don’t work because there is no real correlation between what people say they are going to do and who they believe they really are. If you believe you are a poor person and you will always be in debt, then it doesn’t matter how many books you read or how many plans you make, your thought about yourself will become your reality. For as a man thinks, so he is. Changes start with a renewal of the mind.

Renewing your mind, starts with feeding your mind with the truth. What you focus your attention on becomes your dominant thought. For example, if you listen to music that demoralizes humanity, you will adopt that word view. Be careful what you choose to let enter your mind as it shapes your thought. You eventually become what you think. The music you listen to, the television programs you choose to watch and the books/ magazines you choose to read all play a big role in shaping the way you think.

Having money does not bring happiness but the person you become in the process is more important. If you are not happy with who you are, having all the money in the world cannot help you. As a matter of fact, it might harm you as you have more resources to pursue destructive habits.

Finally, stay focused, educate your mind, don’t allow yourself to be distracted by successes or failures which are all temporary. One day you might be on top on the world, and the next back under but regardless of where you find yourself, keep your head up and keep moving forward ( in the direction of good character). Remember, at the heart of any wealth building strategy is character. Character is an outward reflection of an inner connection.

I wish you a prosperous 2016!!!