
Busy but unproductive!

As entrepreneurs we sometimes confuse busyness with productivity. Busy means having a lot to do while productive means getting a lot done. We never have a problem with being busy, no matter how unproductive we are. Most materials about productivity have to with having a list, setting goals, etc. While all those things are important, being productive boils down to your willingness to do the boring stuff. Busyness is easy because having a lot to do distracts us from what really needs to get done. For example the small business owner wants growth but does not want to deal with the boring stuff that propels growth. Most businesses that are cash machines have learned to get on top of the boring stuff. In business boring equal cash and exciting equals broke. When someone comes to you with an exciting idea that’s just another way of saying, “I have not really figured out how to make money”.

To become a cash machine, there are three systems a small business needs to optimize namely: marketing, operations and finance. Working to optimize these systems is not fun for the average business owner but it needs to be dealt with. When these systems are optimized, then your small business can be productive without you being so busy.

Passion has to be balanced with consistency and consistency is most often boring. Not being consistent is like driving a car with a back seat driver. Everyone else in your life tells you where to go. You have to learn to commit to your systems. The only real risk in business is the risk of not knowing what you are doing. If you are focused with direction, risk is greatly minimized.

Just before you think, business is one boring exercise, there are always going to be new challenged to reignite passion. But you will never experience these new challenges if your never conquer the basics.

I wish you all a very productive day!

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