
What do you do when your small business stops growing?

There comes a time in every small business owners life

Where he/she hits a cross road

And a difficult choice needs to be made …

Building a business is tough work! When faced with a tough choice, what do you do as a business owner? Do you hide behind your mask and pretend you know it all or do you earnestly seek answers to your questions? As tough as it is we should not try to go it on our own. As entrepreneurs we need to become better at asking questions, getting opinions and recommendations from others. No one can know it all.

One place to stop to ask to ask for help is when your business reaches a plateau and you cannot scale any further. Rather than trying to figure it out yourself, it pays to ask for help. Remember, you either pay now or pay later. Pay for help now and solve the problem or pay for the help you did not get by the business you lose by not getting help.

What do you do when your small business stops growing?

The simple answer is you have to look for ways to multiply yourself. By this I do not mean, look for some crazy scientists who can make multiple copies of you. You need to find ways all the knowledge you have accumulated in your business can be transformed into a product or teachable services. For example, you can document the processes you use in your business and sell it to others in your line of business, you can also teach these processes to your staff and let them do the work or you could use these processes to create franchises. By multiplying yourself through products and services you find more time to work on the business rather than in the business.

Pay now or pay later

Beginning the process of multiplying yourself could be a very daunting task and as a small business owner you will need support. Sometimes, we put away the things we know has the greatest impact on our business because we think we will get back to it. Days turn to months, months to years and nothing happens. If you try to go it on your own, you could potentially stress yourself out of a business if you do not know what you are doing.

Making choices and knowing when to get help could sometimes be a tough call. It may be we are too embarrassed to ask, we think we will get back to it, etc. Whatever the reason is, ask yourself today, could my business really be doing better if I hired someone to hold me accountable to growing. Be honest with yourself and get the help you need.

You can begin the process by seeing where you need help in your business.