
Is Time Linear or Exponential?

How do you treat your time? By that, I mean is your time linear or exponential? Do you live your life by a strict schedule that tells you what to do from the time you wake up till the time you go to sleep? If you do, then you treat your time as linear. There is one down side to treating your time as linear which is you never have enough time to do the important. I am sure right now; you are scratching your head, and saying to yourself. I thought everyone’s time was linear. What other way can I treat my time? I am here to tell you today that there is another way to treat time which is behaving in such a way that your time creates exponential effects.

Exponential time is taking EFFICIENT ACTIONS that create ripple effects. What exactly do I mean by that? For instance exercise triples your energy level so you can accomplish more but yet people always use time as an excuse not to exercise. When you learn to do the important first, it creates ripple effects on other life’s activities.

People often ask me how I can do so much being a single parent. Well here is my secret; I don’t treat my time as linear because I know there are things I can do in my day to create exponential effects. I know when I put the important things first; the rest of my life can fit in neatly. Let me give you an example: I start my day meditating on the word of God and I find I can do more in a day when I start with this exercise rather than rushing through the day’s activities. Another example is I exercise so I have more energy to accomplish more.

When you treat your time as linear, you are always in a hurry and you often skip the important things. You find yourself saying I do not have time for “the important” very often. Does this sound like you? Do you always find yourself focused on the actions that need to be accomplished for the day but never giving thought to what is really important? Do you contemplate on activities that have exponential effects or are you just glad you made it through the day by engaging in linear activities? If this sounds like you, then keep reading on for more tips. I will be talking about taking exponential actions that boost business growth and exponential action that boosts growth in your personal life.

Business Growth
So let’s delve into this notion of “exponential time” by discussing how you can take efficient action in your business that has exponential effects. One important exercise most business owner ignore when starting out is creating a map. By creating a map, I don’t mean creating a ten page business plan everyone ignores as soon as the business doors opens. All you need is a two page plan that details the why, the what and the who. Business owners who can answer this question attain exponential results. This is because the time spent on these activities creates exponential outcomes.

Another, important exercise that creates exponential effects in your business is reviewing your financial statements monthly. I cannot over emphasize the importance of knowing how your business is doing financially. Cash in the bank does not mean profits. You need to understand where your cash comes from, how much your business is generating in profits, how much assets you have accumulated in your business, etc. Knowledge of these details play a substantial role in helping you achieve success. It does not matter if you make one hundred or one million dollars each month. The discipline needed to manage a hundred dollars is the same discipline needed to manage a million dollars. Never think that you will become a better money manager when you reach a certain milestone. When you reach that milestone you will find out that you are still broke making a whole lot more money. Financial discipline should be practiced at every stage of growth.

I could go on and on about actions that create exponential effects in your business but I think I have given enough examples to help you see my point.

Personal Growth
Now I will like to focus my attention on you. Are you focused on activities that have exponential effects or do you just engage in linear activities? Do you often reflect on your day to see which actions are efficient or exponential or do you just go through your day just happy you made it through the day?

Reflection is paramount to creating exponential time effects. This is because to create exponential time you need to start with where you are and know where you want to go. The only way that happens is by stopping and thinking.

So now, I want you to reflect today on the decisions that have exponential effects on your life. Exponential actions look different for each person as no two people are exactly alike. Deep down in our hearts, we intuitively know our lives purpose, but somewhere along life’s journey, we learned not to trust that voice: In other words, we lost our “WOW” and along with that the potential to dream big.

Actions that bring exponential effects in your life will align with your unique purpose. If you have doubts, just go back to your childhood, when life was still very simple. Close your eyes right now and just think back: Remember the things that used to bring you joy or the things you said you will do when you grow up. Now open your eyes: Does your life now reflect your true calling? I hope it does. If it does not I hope you begin to take action to achieve your true potential.

Please do not leave my website without reflecting. Leave a comment below and share some of your thoughts with me. I look forward to building a relationship with you.