Tag's: Annual Meeting

Small Business Tip Audit Proofing Your Business Financials Part 4

Today I'm talking about... If you have listened to my other videos, you heard me talk about the annual meeting. If you're a corporation, you are required to have an annual meeting. When you went to the Secretary of State and you filed that paperwork, that was part of the contract you have with the Secretary of State. You are supposed to hold this meeting once a year; it's a
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Small Business Tip Audit Proofing Your Business Financials Part 2

Today I'm talking about... During the course of your business, you often buy things. You might go to Office Depot, Staples, Walmart, wherever you buy your office supplies from. Some items you buy are really inexpensive. For example, a pen, pencils, they cost $5, $10, $15, $20. And sometimes you buy more expensive items like computers, equipment’s you need for your business, and things of that nature. So, when you buy more expensive
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